The Gift of rongoā
made by students of omanaia school
As part of our Hangarau (Techonology) and Hauora (health) learning this term. Our tuakana students made Rongoā Māori. The idea came forward from our students who are preparing to travel to Hawai'i this year for a school visit in August 2018. The students wanted to fund raise money to use for leisure and activities during their stay.
Last year our students did a study topic on Rongoā Māori, its uses and benefits and learning how to identify types of rakau rongoā in the ngahere as well as it's whakapapa links to the atua Tane. This year they decided to create rongoā and hence the beginning of our students as entrepreneurs. We started off deciding what we wanted to make, what our product was going to be called and developing a label for our rongoā products. Throughout this term 2, we have created Tupākihi, Kumarahou and Kawakawa balms, tonic, cough syrup and oils. All of our products are for sale -- so feel free to have a look and let us know if you wish to purchase rongoā from our students. PURCHASE RONGOAIf you wish to purchase rongoa from our website:
Email: [email protected] and detail what you would like to purchase. Leave your name Order Shipping address Payment details: ASB Bank Omanaia school 12-3091-0234147-01 Reference: Your name Shipping costs are as follows: 1 - 2 items = $4.50 3 - 4 = $5.50 5 or more = $8.00 *** We do ship overseas |
Kumarahou Balm 100g pot
Kumarahou is generally used as a treatment for most skin disorders. Other uses for Kumarahou can be used to remedy problems such as asthma and bronchitis.
Made from Kumarahou leaves, pure olive oil, organic beeswax and lavender oil
To purchase please email: [email protected] to confirm your order
School Account number:
Reference: Your name
Kawakawa Balm 100g Pot
Kawakawa balm can be used as a skin moisturizer, used to ease pain of sore joints, bruises, healing of cuts, boils, abscesses, septic infections and old wounds. soothes most skin ailments particularly eczema, itching skin and used effectively against damage by the sun,
This balm has been made from a blend of kawakawa leaves, pure olive oil, organic beeswax and lavender which has been infused for a year.
To purchase please email: [email protected] to confirm your order
School Account number:
Reference: Your name
Tupākihi Balm 100g Pot
Tupākihi helps to improve circulation and aids in recovery after exercise. Tupākihi is excellent for muscle aches and pains, sore joints, bruises and sore bones.
Our tupākihi balm is made from Tupākihi leaves from Toukahawai river, pure olive oil, organic beeswax and lavender.
To purchase please email: [email protected] to confirm your order
School Account number:
Reference: Your name
Kumarahou Lip Balm 5ml
Our Kumarahou lip balm is a blend of dried kumarahou leaves, olive oil and organic beeswax to help soothe and heal the lips. Good for dried lips, sunburn and cuts.
To purchase please email: [email protected] to confirm your order
School Account number:
Reference: Your name